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Resource Hub

Welcome to our resource hub !

Here you can get access to all our training, certification and project results (products/services) that we have co-developed with more than 100 international partners !

Training, certification, reports & studies: 

Impact investment in clean tech and sustainable startups

Impact investment in deep tech ICT (artificial Intelligence) Startups

Impact investment in cultural and creative startups

Impact investment & startup business model transformation

Engaging private impact investors for your startup

Engaging public impact investors for your startup

How to develop high quality open educational resources (OERs) in higher education 

Engagement and motivation of entrepreneurship learners via neuroscience approaches 

Fostering and inclusive and personalised digital entrepreneurship education 

Cultural & creative entrepreneurship skills 

Youth worker training to support cultural & creative entrepreneurs 

DigComp certification for students in online education 

DigCompEdu certification for teachers in online education 

Certification for university administrators (digital transformation)

Certificate on OER Development for effective & inclusive online education

Certificate on the “Goal Setting Methodology” as a tool for effective and inclusive online education

Certificate on Neurolearning as a behavioural tool in online education

Sustainable & circular urban food enterprising (SURFE) curriculum

Youth worker train the trainer toolkit for supporting urban food initiatives by youth 

Fake news identification 

Adaptive management crash course 

Guideline for the implementation of Systemic Resilience practices within enterprises

Booklet on training pedagogical approaches to Resilience and Adaptive Management

Entrepreneurial discovery

Setting up responsible & impactful knowledge and technology transfer office

Responsible research and innovation

Investment and financing

Inclusive KPIs for impactful universities

Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Stakeholders

Framework for social engagement in life science research 

Standards for socially engaged research 

Innovative practices in life science research 

Digital community engagement in higher education 

Preparation of Building Execution Plan in Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Building Information Modelling (BIM) Data Systems and Integration with Stakeholders’ Systems

Integrated digital twin modelling 

Platforms, products & services:  

Impact investment hub 

Digital & creative entrepreneurship resource hub 

Virtual simulator for cultural & creative entrepreneurs 

Digital certification centre operational guidelines 

A community food-sharing cloud platform

Fake news moderation forum 

Gamified platform for boosting organisational resilience 

Ecosystem transformation lab for university transformation 

Digital gallery and resource hub for best practices in immigrant/refugee engagement in urban development 

Digital centre of excellence for life science researchers 

Tools for engaging life science researchers with society

Digital community accelerator platform 

Social impact value maps